Feb. 7th, 2020
Rayark inc.'s Youtube channel has reached 100,000 subscribers!

 Rayark inc.‘s Youtube channel reached 100,000 subscribers on 2019/12/21.

Thank you to all the players for their support and affirmation, let’s remember some splendid moments that we’ve been through!

The first video that was uploaded:《Cytus Song Preview - DRG》


The video that has the highest number of shares and likes:《DEEMO THE MOVIE PV》


The playlist that has the highest number of videos:《VOEZ》


The playlist that has the most views:《Sdorica》


The video that has the most comments《雷亞嘉年華 - RayarkCon2018 Live 2018/12/15》

Thanks again for all the players’ support and encourgement.
We’ll continue to work hard and release many more, better games in the future for all of you!

Rayark Inc.‘s Official Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/RayarkInc